CBD, the misleading stimulant: No effect of Daphnia magna heart rate

Belenda Torres, Victoria Pappas, Alexandra Gholson, Brandon Boyd, Dani Glidewell


Quantum Cannabidiol Water (CBD) has become a popular substance in the treatment of anxiety, pain, and other medical conditions. Several studies have been conducted in order to prove CBD’s effects on multiple health conditions, specifically human heart rate. These studies have shown that CBD, a stimulant, increases human heart rate at low and high doses. We proposed that testing the effect of CBD on Daphnia magna’s heart rate would give us intel on how it affects organisms at a smaller dosage and therefore how it would affect the human heart. We conducted five trials and tested the heart rate of each Daphnia with and without being exposed to CBD. Our statistical analysis showed no significant difference in the Daphnia’s heart rate before and after it was exposed to CBD. We expect this study to be of interest to those wishing to know how Quantum Cannabidiol Water directly affects the heart rate of humans.

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