Purification of a Truncated Form of a Tumor Suppressor Protein INI1

Cerra Linn, Jessica Matts


AT/RT tumors are a rare but fast developing tumor found in the central nervous system of infants. The cause of this tumor development is though to be correlated to the loss of a protein called INI1. The goal of this project was to purify the truncated C terminal end, containing amino acids 186-385, of the INI1 (186-385) protein. The methods used in the purification of this protein include: PCR and cloning of INI1 (186-385), culture, induction, sonication, and purification. A relatively pure protein was acquired but on order to get a completely purified sample, we will continue with sequential purification using other chromatography methods such as ion exchange chromatography. In the future we hope to get a pure enough protein to be able to get a crystal and analyze the structure. Hopefully this will unlock clues as the how the INI1 protein is lost and its role in the growth of the AT/RT tumors.

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