A Study in Genomics

Abigail Peters


Dr. Darren Hagen is a professor of genetics at Oklahoma State University. He comes from a line of teachers, and as he progressed through high school his goal was to become a public school teacher, just like his family. That was until he took a genetics course during his time as an undergraduate. The subject clicked and Hagen found a passion that he decided to chase after. This is what led him to eventually conducting research and teaching at the university level; “I loved the challenge of research. Nature has had a billion years to evolve and set up rules and when we’re doing research we’re trying to figure those rules out.” Hagen is involved in research that generally surrounds genomics. Genomics is the study of the functional genome, which is mainly focused on specific elements within the genome such as genes, promoters, enhancers, and many other things that are involved in genomic processes. Many of Dr. Hagen’s published works revolve around genomics and all warrant interest. However, there is one work that stands out in particular. It is titled “Progesterone Effects on Extracellular Vesicles in the Sheep Uterus,” and is especially interesting because it also looks at how progesterone, a sex hormone, promotes growth and implementation of pregnancy. The study while done on sheep is also thought to be applicable to humans.

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