Stem Cell Therapy

Macy Reedy


Stem cells are defined as cells that can practice self-renewal and differentiation. For these reasons, more and more people are conducting experiments with stem cell therapies in order to treat and find a cure for today’s diseases. These cells are the ideal ones to use because they adapt to any cell type and are able to reproduce in high numbers. They also can be derived from patients’ own cells which allow the fears of immune system rejection to be avoided. The four articles mentioned below are all different examples of experiments where stem cells were used to test the effiency and outcomes of stem cell therapies and compare them to the outcomes of other, more practical treatments. These experiments prove that stem cell therapy is a far superior way to treat diseases, and the need for organ, tissue, and cell donation will definitely decrease with a sure way to reproduce cells without a donor. One article discusses beta cell replication from stem cells, one discusses making heart tissue grafts from stem cells, one discusses using stem cells to repair injured nerves in mice and restore function, and one discusses reprogramming adult somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells for myocardial stem cell therapies.


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