Nature, Ecology and Environment

Ekram Ashri


In life, animals, plants and all the other matter depend on each other. For instance, many animals including human beings rely or depend on plants for food with others depending on plants for shelter. On the same note, numerous recent reports shows that overstocking of livestock animals in a specified area leads to massive loss of the top layer fertile soil through the process of soil erosion. Ecology is the scientific term that is used to describe the relationship between animals and plants in their natural environment. It is a discipline that primarily focuses on the study of the interactions between the different organisms and their environment. In ecology, an ecosystem is dynamic complex communities of plants, animals, microorganisms, and non-living elements, all of which interact in the same functional unit. The characters of an ecosystem dynamically changes as the members of the community and the physical context of the community changes. In some instances, the changes in an ecosystem cross a threshold of balance, which leads to the system’s inability to return to its normal original form.

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