
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

A microreview need to be based on a minimum of three original and preferably timely research papers on a specific topic related to cell and molecular biology selected and read by the student, and needs to provide a critical discussion and analysis of the questions, importance, experimental approaches, results, and conclusions emerging from these publications. The student selects the topic of the microreview and the three research publications on this topic that are discussed in the microreview.

All text in the microreview need to be written by the student; plagiarism is not allowed. Figures are optional but strongly encouraged; if figures are included, they need to be original figures made by the student. Figures are strongly recommended but have to be original figures made by the student author of the manuscript. Figures cannot be cut and pasted or modified from literature.


Details on the text of a microreview:

0) The total length of your manuscript should be between 2 and 3 pages in single-spaced printed format, and contain approximately 15,000 characters in total (including spaces).

1) Formulate a brief, informative title describing the topic of your Microreview that avoids the use of non-standard abbreviations.

2) State your name and e-mail address

3) Start with a brief (~ 200 words or less) abstract that summarizes your entire paper: introduce the topic/question of your manuscript, explain its interest/relevance/importance, describe the recent exciting progress that has been made on this topic, and conclude with the current status and open problems in the field.

4) Provide a brief introduction of the topic. Insert references to published literature as needed in the “Introduction”, Recent progress”, and “Discussion” sections of your manuscript.

5) Summarize the recent progress and new results in the field that you chose to report in your Microreview.

6) Close with a critical discussion of these new results, what these results address and what questions remain unanswered.

7) Include a references section that states all the authors of each published paper that you quote, its year of publication, title, journal name, journal issue, and page numbers of the published papers that you quote in your manuscript.

8) Insert consecutively numbered figures at the end of your manuscript. All figures should be produced in jpeg or tiff format (inserted into the Word document) and should be of sufficiently high resolution to be suitable for publication.

9) Each figure need to be accompanied by a self-contained figure legend.

10) Please submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word document.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.