Do Individuals treated with anti-retroviral therapy revert to the same physiological response as non-infected individuals?

Audry Howard


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system. The immune system is a natural defense against illness. If the virus is left untreated the results are catastrophic. There are about 36.7 million individuals living with HIV today and many of these individuals are unable to receive treatment. Without treatment the immune system can be so severely damaged it can no longer defend itself. This paper introduces the different anti-retroviral therapies (ART) that are offered to HIV positive patients. A group of individuals with human immunodeficiency virus treated with anti-retroviral therapy and non-infected humans were studied to determine whether immune responses were reverted back to normal. How successful anti-retroviral therapy is on the immune system is determined by how early an individual starts treatment after infected. Early treatment of anti-retroviral therapy dramatically restores immune responses compared to late treatment of anti-retroviral therapy. This study compares the immune response of how the early and late treatment of anti-retroviral therapy affects human immunodeficiency virus individuals and how it is different than non-infected individuals.

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