Contrasting analysis of monocot and dicot growth with varying glyphosate application

Britney Bryan, Bingham Hightower, Jake Richmond


Glyphosate, a key ingredient in many herbicides, has become widely incorporated into todays agricultural practices. (Kishore 1992) The run off and spreading of this chemical on to non target species has become a hot topic of debate in today’s agricultural circles as usage of the chemical continues to increase. (Huber 2011). It has been suggested that this could have some adverse effects on non target crops even in minute concentrations. (Davis 2013). Our null hypothesis is that there will be no significant difference in growth when different concentrations of glyphosate are applied to each set of plants. We hypothesized that there would be a significant difference between the growth in each set of plants based on the concentration of glyphosate that was applied. 

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