ATP Synthase: Exposed

Camryn Lucas, Caleb Smith, Alex Moore, Skye Dixon, Nathanial Torres, William Johnson, Patricia Canaan


Elizabethkingia anophelis is a multi-drug resistant and pathogenic bacteria. We decided to
investigate the Oxidative phosphorylation pathway in the Energy Metabolism pathway
class that contains eight unique genes as found in PATRIC database (4). We went in and
found this pathway and the group of unique genes and described each individually. We
then took each unique gene and found its DNA sequence data and the genome for the
surrounding genes in a spreadsheet that was provided to us. Finally, we compared
transcription rates of our genes when exposed to cefotax and imipenem in comparison to
control samples. We found that exposure to cefotax results in a trend of up-regulation of
ATP Synthase gene transcription. Conversely, exposure to imipenem resulted in a trend
of downregulation in transcription levels.

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