Everyone Needs a Repair Crew: ElizabethkingiaanophelisR26DNA Repair

Rachel Mathieson, Casandra Salinas, Morgan Hixon, Audrey Lucas, Nathanial Torres, William Johnson, Patricia Canaan


There have been several outbreaks of Elizabethkingia anaphalis (E. anaphalis) resulting in 32 deaths (5,10). OUt of nearly 3800 genes of E. anaphalis we chose the subsection of DNA repair proteins. We found our system of DNA repair through the RAST database and where the DNA repair proteins are in the chromosome through RNA transcription E. anaphalis has a DNA repair system that does not appear in operon form, but is spaced throughout the chromosome. Two of our DNA repair proteins showed significant upregulation or downregulation when introduced to the antibiotics.

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