23Sr RNA Purpose In Elizabethkingia anophelis Genome

Kalli Smith, Kennedy Kroll, Macy Carder, Victoria Throneberry, Nathanial Torres, William Johnson, Patricia Canaan


Elizabethkingia anophelis is an organism that is gram negative and has a rod shape. We were interested
in 23Sr RNA proteins in E. anophelis. What we wanted to find was if the seven 23Sr RNA were
transcribed in the presence of two antibiotics. We used the RAST data base, BLAST data base, and an
Excel spreadsheet to find this out. Also we used RAST to see what surrounded each of the seven
proteins. Due to the fact that 23Sr RNA is necessary, it was transcribed in each of the antibiotics.
Although all the proteins were transcribed only three pegs were significant. Also, only one peg for each
of the antibiotics was up significantly.

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