Arhodomonas sp. Seminole and the PCR Product

Rebekah Perkins, Nia Hill, Karley Washburn, Patricia Canaan


Our group was interested in determining the gap for the genomic DNA sequence of Arhodomonas sp. Seminole. Our interest in this experiment was to try to reconstruct the DNA of a species that will survive in the harsh environment around oil fields in Seminole county. In order to accomplish our goal, we obtained two contigs of the DNA of the species and constructed a PCR product by using Blastx. This gave us possible primers that fused contigs together to give us a possible gene. Once we had a possible PCR product, we used agarose gel electrophoresis to test the validity of our PCR. Within the agarose gel electrophoresis, we had a control positive and negative. Unfortunately, our PCR failed when the agarose electrophoresis gel gave us a false negative. 

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