Can Elizabethkingia Miricola Resist Antibotic Resistance? Testing Elizabethkingia Miricola’s Resistance to Antiboitics

Kaysten Goins, Kristy Johnson, Vivienne Hasenbeck, Patricia Canaan


Many types of bacteria live in our body, on our body and everywhere around us. Some of these bacteria are beneficial and some are harmful. Harmful bacteria that invade the human body are treated with antibiotics. Some types of bacteria have immunity to these aforementioned antibiotics (New World Encyclopedia). We are interested in the antibiotic resistaning abilities of a specific bacteria by the name of Elizabethkingiamiracola. We hypothesized that this bacteria would be resistant to a specific group of antibiotics because it has structures similar to that of other bacteria that are resistant to the same group of antibiotics. To test this, we made multiple copies of E.miricola and then exposed it to beta lactam antibiotics. Our results supported our hypothesis that the E.miricola bacteria would be resistant to b-lactam antibiotics.  

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