Importance of Neon Color and Gravid Spot in Guppy Mating

Alleigh Jezek, Alison Hoisl, Madison Meijer, Matthew John, Jeremy Kaplan


Guppies, Poecilia reticulata, are used in research because of their small size and easily changing physical characteristics. Scientists in the CS³F pursue research to extend the understanding of mate selection to guppies and fish in general. Research shows that male guppies are typically known to be more attracted to neon colors, and to females with a gravid spot. We hypothesized that a male guppy will be more attracted to a female guppy with a neon pink color and gravid spot, compared to females that only have one of these characteristics. This experiment was performed by analyzing 10 trials per experiment, using past experiments data. We compared the following; Neon pink vs control, Neon pink with gravid spot vs neon pink, and gravid spot vs control. When analyzing data we found male guppies to be more attracted to the control over gravid spot, neon pink with gravid over neon pink and control over neon pink. Our hypothesis was supported because the male guppy was more attracted to the female with a neon pink color and gravid spot compared to those with just one characteristic. From this experiment future researchers can understand that male guppies do not always follow a certain trend. If one is wanting to get the attraction of a male guppy they would have a better chance if they added a neon pink coloration and a gravid spot.

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