The Effects of Warmer Temperature on Metabolic Rate of Mealworms

SaMya Crosslen, Elizabeth Farmer, Hailey Cole, Taylor Chahal, Allison Bryant


           This investigation tested the effect that higher temperatures have on the metabolic rates of ectotherms, in this case mealworms were used. It was hypothesized that as the temperature around the mealworms increased, then their metabolic rate would increase, because the heat will make them more active in turn increasing their CO2 production. The reason for this prediction is based on the knowledge that mealworms are ectotherms, this means they rely on the temperature around them to regulate their body heat, otherwise known as behavioural thermoregulation (Bicego et al. 2007). To conduct this investigation, the mealworms were placed into chambers of different temperatures, then the amount of CO₂  produced over a five minute interval was recorded. To obtain the results, the amount of the initial CO₂ produced was subtracted from the amount of final CO₂ produced, then was divided by the time the mealworms were observed (300 seconds) and taking that result and dividing it by the weight in grams each group of mealworms weighed. The results of this investigation do not support the hypothesis as the room temperature trial had an average metabolic rate of .5 CO₂  ppm/s/g and the hotter temperature had an average metabolic rate of .4 CO₂  ppm/s/g

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