Changes in Metabolic Rates of Mice and Lentils at Various Temperatures

Madeleine Williams, Emily Waters, Taylor Brooks, Jillian Wormington


                If an endotherm is kept at a lower temperature, then it will have a higher metabolic rate, as compared to ectotherms and plant species, both of which will have a higher metabolic rate at higher temperatures. This study could be used to determine how much food an endotherm or plant requires to maintain a significant metabolic rate at different climates. It is known that an endotherm relies on its metabolism to survive and maintain homeostasis. In order to test the hypothesis that endotherms consume more at lower temperatures, the process of cellular respiration is observed by measuring the O2 consumption and CO2 emission rates. In the experiment, mice and lentils were used to test the metabolic rate at temperatures below, at, and above room temperature. The experiment showed that the mice at temperatures below room temperature had a higher metabolic rate, as hypothesized. The lentils provided controversial data as a comparative set of results. The ANOVA statistical analysis test was used at the conclusion of the experiment and showed that there was a significant difference in metabolic rates at different temperatures. 

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