Crickets reaction to different temperatures and how it effects energy needs.

Cody Brooks, caanan williams


            Overtime scientist have studied metabolic rate, specifically, CO2 production of ectothermic animals, such as crickets (Gryllus assimilis). Since metabolic rate is every biochemical reaction taking place inside the body, there can be multiple factors that can lead to it either increasing or decreasing. Realizing that there are multiple variables, we decide to test how temperature effects CO2 production of crickets, since their body temperature is directly related to the ambient temperature that they are being exposed to. This particular experiment places the crickets below, in and above their thermal neutral zone (TNZ). To do this we placed crickets into an air tight chamber, fitted with CO2 sensor, this way we could know if temperature effects CO2 production or whether it is another variable the importance of this research will explain why ectothermic animals are more active in warmer regions, or help explain why certain insects swarms are more active during warmer months rather than colder climates.

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