Temperatures effect on metabolic rate and co2 production for Crickets

Sean Brown, Cory Fenton, Justin Agan


This investigation is designed to understand how different temperatures affect the metabolic rate of crickets (Gryllus assimilis) that QuickPets2U ship. We predict that the metabolic rate of the crickets decreases in cooler temperatures and increases in warmer temperatures. It was observed that the crickets were more active and ate more as the temperature increases while they ate less in colder temperatures (French pg. I3.1). To see how metabolic rates are affected by these temperatures, we collected 18 crickets into a small respiratory chamber. We measured the crickets CO2 output through three trials at various temperatures, averaged at 23.65oC, 28.5oC, and 18.35oC. In our results, the metabolic rate was affected by the different temperatures, where the CO2 output increased with the increasing temperature and vice versa. This trend supported our hypothesis. However our experiment could be improved by using better equipment to keep a constant temperature through the trial or recording the O2 intake along with the CO2 output. 

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French, Donald, Greg Wilson, Traci Weaver, Moria Harmon, and Mike Hill. "Why Do Certain Animals Eat More at Certain Temperatures than Others or than They Do at Other Temperatures." Inversitgating Biology 2014 (2014): I3.1-I3.9. Print.


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