Polymer Length of Sugar and CO2 Output Relationship in Yeast

Alana Watts, Ruth Tsegaye, Lauren Weilert, Colton Richie, Jay Walton


For our experiment, we tested the carbon dioxide production of yeast fermentation using different sugars. We compared the CO2 output of dextrose and starch when combined with yeast, H2O, and Na2PO4, following the procedure of Acme Brewing and Baking (French 2016). We believed that the polymer length would have an effect on how much CO2 was produced. Yeast fermentation, used in the process of baking, produces the rise of bread because of the air bubbles that consist of trapped CO2. After completing the experiment, the starch produced more carbon dioxide on average than the dextrose. This means that polysaccharides are able to bind to the yeast more than monosaccharaides and produce more carbon dioxide. Also, Acme Brewing and Baking would be able to produce better bread and beer by using starch than dextrose.

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