Jiminy Crickets, That’s Bright!: Testing Different Light Spectrums on Crickets’ Activity Rate/Metabolism

Nick Volpe, Amanda Stockton, Krysta Scribner, Hailey Robinson, Nicole Parker


Based on the information given by research, crickets become more active in dark spectrums of light (Campbell 1976). We aimed to test our hypothesis which was that crickets would be less active in white light because it contains all spectrums. Accomplishing this, we underwent trials to measure quantitatively the 1x1in squares traveled by each of the crickets. We found that our hypothesis was disproven in that the activity rate was substantially higher in white light. We can draw to conclusion our hypothesis was disproven because of the crickets being subjected to stress and an unfamiliar environment, also to count accurately they could not be enclosed completely which in turn let the laboratory light in as well.

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