Sucrose vs. Pedialyte: Comparing their Effect on Fermentation

Kennedy Humphrey, Thomas Joseph Guglielmo, Evan Girard, Shelby Howerton, Sarah Bounds


Yeast uses fermentation to convert sugars into energy. Pedialyte contains sugar as well as salt which is a known inhibitor of fermentation. Because Pedialyte contains salt, we hypothesized that yeast in a Pedialyte solution would produce less CO2. We compared the fermentation of yeast in a 2% sucrose solution and a 2% Pedialyte solution by measuring the average change in CO2 production through seven trials each. Our results did not support our hypothesis; the Pedialyte averaged a higher CO2 production than sucrose. This could be because of the added ingredients in Pedialyte. This information can be used in future scientific research on fermentation of yeast with solutions containing both sucrose and sodium.

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