Battle of the Sexes: Female Versus Male Metabolism Rates in Madagascar hissing Cockroaches

Sarah Lynn Riley, Jordan Natalie Newman, Alexis Sadeghy, Sarah Gardner


In this experiment metabolic rates of female and male Madagascar hissing cockroaches were tested. This was tested by observing their CO2 emissions in a biochamber using a CO2 gas sensor, and by weighing four males and four females and finding an average. Four males and four females were tested each trial. Two trials were performed at 24 degrees Celsius, or room temperature. This was the control group. Two more trials were performed at 10 degrees Celsius=; making this the experimental group. In the control group the females had a positive metabolic rate, and the males had a negative metabolic rate. In the experimental group, it showed opposite results. The males had a positive metabolic rate, and the females had a negative metabolic rate. By this data, females had a higher metabolic rate in the control group, and the males had a higher metabolic rate in the experimental group.

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