Dissolved Oxygen Production in Algae Samples Exposed to Varying Amounts and Types of Light

Alyson Smith, Madison Wittmer, Joe Rupp, Ann Money


Eutrophication occurs frequently in United States freshwater, causing algal blooms which limit the amount of sunlight aquatic life receives. This creates a major problem, both economically and environmentally. However, this situation can be used advantageously because algae can be harvested in order to produce biofuels, providing a more environmentally safe alternative to fossil fuels. In this study, we tested the amount of dissolved oxygen produced by three algae samples exposed to varying amounts and types of light, predicting that out of a natural light sample, artificial light sample, and dark sample, the natural light sample would produce the most dissolved oxygen. Our results supported our hypothesis and will be vital in maximizing algae growth for biofuel production.

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