Promotion of Temperature Regulation Through Oxygen Consumption.

Zachary Morrison, Greg Mulholland, kane roach, Chathurika R. Henpita


This study was conducted in order to examine the relationship between an animal’s temperature of their environment and how much food they consume. Every environment poses a different energy requirement for a specific animal to sustain life, which leads us to the research question, “Why do certain animals eat more at certain temperatures than others or than they do at other temperatures?” (French 2014). A prior study was conducted by the on-line pet supplier,, in relation to this question, but cannot adequately answer it because although it clearly indicated a relationship between temperature and how much food is consumed, it lacked a sense of causation as to why these two factors are related to each other. In order to further explain this relationship, we take a look at the measurement of metabolic rate variations among animals in differing temperatures. This metabolic rate measurement can be acquired through experimenting with mice (Mus muscuslus), crickets (Gryllus assimilis), and the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa) by placing these animals in a respiration chamber and recording carbon dioxide levels at high, low, and room temperature. Once the experiment has been completed, we can analyze the results and use the implications made to accurately propose answer to the research question at hand. Certain animals give off more carbon dioxide in certain temperatures than others, meaning they need more energy through food consumption in order to survive. Our research can be used to determine the more adequate way to take care of animals and transport them with ideal conditions.

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