Respiration Rate of Acheta Domesticus at Varying Ambient Temperatures

Courtney Andrews, Jamayel ALnajem, Victor Atkins, Jon Barton, Tabitha Gunnars


The Research at Institute for Comparative Respiration Research dedicates it’s time to investigating how metabolism is effected by thermoregulation. To further research the topic, twenty crickets, scientifically known as Acheta domesticus, were placed in a respiration chamber in cold and normal temperatures and the CO2 emitted was recorded in order to test the relationship (French). Crickets were selected because they are an endothermic animal and have a reliance on ambient temperature to maintain their metabolic systems. These systems allow for creatures to break down sugars and create Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), a vital resource for organisms, commonly known as energy (Dee). The experiment showed that the cricket’s metabolisms were directly related to ambient temperature. At higher temperatures, the metabolisms were the more effective compared to the metabolism rates at lower ambient temperatures.

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