Ambient Temperature and Metabolism in Endotherms (Mus musculas)

Rachel Martin, Kristin Vaishnavi Kelsey, Sheyanne Kneedy, Angelo Kalum


It has been observed that there is a correlation between the metabolic rates of endotherms in relation to the temperature of their environment. We conducted a study to support this observation; in this experiment we measured the CO2 production of a mouse in different temperatures (room temp, cool, and warm). To measure this data we utilized a Vernier CO2 sensor and a Vernier temperature sensor. We pursued results that support the hypothesis that a cooler temperature will cause the endotherm’s metabolism to increase whereas a warmer temperature will cause a decrease in metabolism. Overall, the experiment supported our hypothesis in that cooler temperatures increased the metabolic rate over warmer temperatures but contrary to our predictions, the metabolic rate at room temperature increased at a higher constant rate than at cooler or warmer temperatures. Inaccuracies in this experiment may have been caused by the endotherm’s natural tendency to thermoregulate.

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