The Length of Wavelength’s Effect of Female Models on the Mating Choice of Male Poecilia reticulata

Jordan Bays, Kali Barnes, Kayleah Bell, Taylor Walton


Guppies, Poecilia reticulate, mate sexually and do so selectively. Using two different models of differing wavelengths (higher wavelength, red, and lower wavelength, purple), this experiment tested which wavelength of the female models is more attractive to the male Poecilia reticulate. The higher wavelength model was expected to be more attractive, because that model will stand out more against the water. Both models were made and placed in a tank with one male Poecilia reticulate, and behavior was measured for 5 minutes. There was none of the expected behaviors seen, but the males did spend more time with the higher wavelength model, though it was not by a great difference. This could be due to unnatural circumstances such as distractions from the lab or the fact that the fish models are not alive. With those factors the fish did not react in the expected evolutionary ways. Other experiments can be focused on making the environment more natural, so the data is more applicable.

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