WHEN YEAST BEGIN TO FEAST: How CO2 Production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is affected by Glucose and Maltose

Brooke Burney, Madison Brown, Nichole Jones


Many companies like Acme Brewing and Baking (AB&B) are researching to find the environment to produce the best results from baking bread with baker’s yeast. Bio chambers were created containing a solution of 20 mL of water, 2g of sugar, 80µL, and 2 mL of 10% stock yeast. Two of these bio chambers were created with one containing maltose (disaccharide) and the other containing glucose (monosaccharide) with each sugar being tested in three different trials at room temperature. It is hypothesized that the bottle with maltose will produce more CO2 because it contains more carbohydrates than glucose, which will increase the rate of cellular respiration, therefore increasing the production of CO2. The hypothesis is not supported as the results show that glucose’s CO2 production levels surpass maltose’s CO2 production levels. This was reasoned out to prove the possibility that yeast does not perform hydrolysis, or the yeast needs a controlled amount of sugar to continue in aerobic respiration and keep from fermentation. 

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